Healthy Living Motivation

Links from around the web to inspire healthier living. Read now or pin for later. - Health Happens at Home

Did you know coffee is healthy? Actually it is, I did some research on it during my internship. And here is a great blog post summarizing its benefits. 

I really like essential oils, but there are a lot of bogus claims about the miracles of essential oils. Promotion of weight loss is one claim that is unsubstantiated. Check out this post for a review from another dietitian.

The benefits of exercise continue to stack up. Here are seven benefits specific to stretching exercise. Remember, for a balanced exercise regimen experts recommend cardiovascular training, strength (weight) training, and flexibility (stretching) exercises. That's one reason I love MuTu (affl link). I get all three in a form that is beneficial for diastasis recti. 

Have you ever wondered why you chose the foods you do? Here is a very interesting post on the psychology of food choices. Plus, it includes 6 ways to train your brain to eat healthier. 

Healthy choices about food and movement really do pay off. Read a success story on my blog!

What healthy choices are you making today? Let me know if the comments below.

Don't forget that Health Happens at Home,

Erin Marie

Posted on November 14, 2016 and filed under Monday Motivation.