Sweet Potato Fries

An Easy recipe for sweet potato fries. Read now or pin for later. - Health Happens at Home

Sweet potatoes are orange tubers packed with Vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene. They also contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients. Here is a simple recipe to get more of this food into your family!

Wash and cut your potatoes into strips. It's better to leave the skin on the potatoes (just be sure to wash it well) because it's loaded with fiber, but my kiddos like them peeled so that's how we roll. Add a little olive oil to help the seasonings stick and to increase absorption of the nutrients. Add seasonings of your choice, just a little salt works but finely ground rosemary is really nice too!

Then spread them evenly on a pan and bake. To get them evenly crispy, it helps to turn them once during baking, but it isn't essential. 

Get some beta-carotene with baked sweet potato fries. Read now or pin for later. - Health Happens at Home

Sweet Potato Fries

This recipe is adapted from the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute.

  • 3 large sweet potatoes
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • salt
  • Rosemary (finely ground) or other seasonings as desired

Preheat over to 425 degrees. Wash potatoes well and peel them if desired. Slice potatoes into "fry sized" pieces and place in a large mixing bowl. Add olive oil and toss well to coat the fries. Then sprinkle on seasonings of choice and toss well to spread the mixture. Place fries evenly on a baking sheet. Bake for about 15 minutes and then using a large spatula, and small sections of fries turn them over. Bake for another 15 minutes. Enjoy! We like ours with a little ketchup. 

Erin Marie




Posted on May 4, 2016 and filed under Recipe.