Healthy Living Monday Motivation

Links about adult coloring, stress control, lentil, and eating more but weighing less. Read now or pin for later. - Health Happens at Home

One of the concepts detailed in Journey to a Happy, Healthy Life (aka Prime Time Health) is "wisdom of the body", once you begin to eat healthy foods, your body actually begins to crave these foods an no longer craves food that are bad for you. (This workshop is now offered in a flexible web based format so contact me to get started.) The same can be true in our spiritual life, asking God for a desire for know him and reading our Bibles can lead to a greater desire to know Him through His word. I really enjoyed reading, How the Bible Changed by Appetite about one woman's experience during the early years of motherhood. I am praying for God to continue reshaping my appetite physically and spiritually. What about you?

7 Unexpected Things that Happen When Adults Start Coloring details more benefits of adult coloring. I received a coloring book for Christmas and love it! Looking for a coloring book? Here are a couple on my list:


Four Reasons You Shouldn't Quit Sugar by a fellow dietitian. There is so much misconception about sugar out there. Here are a couple evidence based nuggets to set you straight.

Does the new year have you stressed? Get 8 quick stress busting tips here.

Lentils aid in cholesterol and blood sugar control and decrease the risk of heart disease. Learn what they are and how to eat them in this post.

Eat More to Weight Less. Yes it it possible with Green Light Foods! Fruits and Vegetables can be eaten without restriction (yes, there can be exceptions with specific medical conditions). This 5 minute video explains the science. Subscribe to my monthly newsletter for a free Traffic Light Eating printable explaining what and how much to eat.

Start making some healthy change. Remember, health happens at home!

Erin Marie

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Posted on January 11, 2016 and filed under Monday Motivation.